Animal models of diseases 疾病动物模型
animal models of heart failure 心力衰竭
Vectors of human diseases 人类疾病传染媒介
a clinic wound model of animal skin 动物皮肤损伤模型
abnormal behavior of animal 动物异常
age of animal protection 动物保护时代
anaesthesia of animal 动物麻醉
analytical system of animal behavior-spontaneous movement 动物行为-自发活动分析
animal diseases 畜禽病毒性传染病; 动物疾病; 动物疫病
Animal diseases diagnosis 动物疾病诊断
animal model of human disease 人类疾病动物模型
animal models 动物模式; 动物实验模型; 呼吸道感染; 动物模型; 动物; 疾病动物模型; 疾病模型,动物; 精神分裂症
Animal models for human diseases 人类疾病动物模型
Animal of catching plague 染疫动物
Aquatic animal diseases experiment 水产动物疾病学实验
Attributes of Animal 动物属性
axenic workshop of animal powdery agent 兽药无菌粉针车间; 国际电信卫星财团
bacterium of animal origin 动物源细菌
Basal discipline of animal and veterinary science 畜牧、兽医科学基础学科; 点扩展函数; 衍射微透镜阵列; 点扩散函数